My Religious Questions & Views



Revised by John, 12/18/10

" Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?

He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:

[but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also".

1John 2:22-23, KJV

Our job as Christians is to preach that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. We can admit that those who impress Jesus in Heaven with their holiness and love of God and People on earth can also be saved, but Jesus does the saving. Does Saint Peter or the Virgin Mary do it, but only through the Catholic Church, who prays to Jesus for us? No, the R.C. Church says, that people outside of it's church/sacraments/blessings can also be saved.

This can be a slippery slope that drops us into heresies and danger for our souls.

Ecumenical Movement:

"I want you to accept my beliefs as equal to yours

and then I want you to abandon your doctrines that are offensive to me

and I'll do the same for you...maybe, but maybe not".

Foolish Games

This is a childish game and it's so transparent and dishonest that its not even funny and certainly not holy. The Roman Catholic Church wants everyone to believe that its willing to compromise with Protestants and even Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Pagans?, Buddhists, Wiccans, American Indians, Vodoo, Santeria, etc.?

Well not really compromise,
but rejoice in the parts of their religions that are
true or helpful and loving to mankind.

A Catholic might say to a Moslem,

"Hey, we believe in one God, so that's something we agree on."

The Moslems will say,

"No, you believe in three gods, but we can be friends until we gain power and establish Sharia Law over you."

And Pope Benedict says, "Pray for me too."

Excuse me Pope Benedict the 16th. I'm confused do we have the true church or not? Is it ok for a Catholic to become a Moslem convert in a Moslem land, in order to pay less taxes, less attacks, and get equal medical treatment? No? Then why do you want a Moslem to pray for you? If he prays for you as a holy man, that's one thing, but if its as a Moslem Cleric, then I'm confused.

Why befriend an anti-Christ, that is someone who doesn't accept
the Athanasian Creed? Have we lost our way?

Catholics & Protestants should never, must never compromise
the (Athanasius) Athanasian Creed, Apostle's Creed or Nicene Creed.

The Protestants will very seldom compromise their beliefs for anyone, except themselves. When they discover a new interpretation of the Bible they will promote and cling to that. They will not be interested in kissing the Pope's ring although having a figure head for the Christian Church is not a bad idea or is it?

The Pagans & Satanists may stop sacrificing humans & use animals instead. This compromise usually forced on them by the civil law of their country and they comply because they don't want to be arrested and broken up as a religion. Once you become their friends and let their vote determine their religious practices they will be practicing witchcraft, black magic, ritual sex with demons (Through possessed humans), superstitious rituals, and worshiping false gods. What am I talking about? How can Haiti be 90% Catholic and 100% Voodoo, which has been spoken, in compassion, by Catholic missionaries? Why all the compromise?

Once the Catholic and Protestant Churches become watered down then their flock will also worship false gods, practice abominable & blasphemous rituals. Read the Old Testament and you see what happens when the priesthood and their leaders are corrupt. The people will worship the golden calf if the priest Aaron doesn't say,

"You might kill me or worse leave me, but I demand you follow & honor the true God
or else you must leave this sacred camp [Church]".

 Aaron took the road of compromise, because he had the "ecumenical spirit", but Moses and God didn't think that was acceptable and they stamped it out and snuffed out many lives.
                                            ANYONE CAN BE SAVED
Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus can be saved, but what about those who never heard his name or weren't ready to follow him when they died? What about those who were raised to believe that Jesus was a myth or a devil or never even heard his name? Will they be denied the second immortal & perfect life with God?
I don't want to tell God what He will or won't do. I won't predict that God can't make exceptions to His own rules. The thief on the cross wasn't baptised in water, he didn't know anything much about Jesus, but he knew he was a sinner & Jesus wasnt' & Jesus said, it is enough, "You will be with me in Paradise" [paraphrase of Luke 23:43]. And what about the giving a cup of cold water to a follower of Jesus guaranteeing them a reward in Mark 9:41 & Matthew 10:42 ?
I don't want to discourage anyone from following God or Jesus Christ, so follow & discover your own truth in relationship with Him. See you in the next life.





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