My Religious Questions & Views





By John, 7/28/10



I don’t advocate or reject any treatments:  in these references nor in the standard medical/psychological/educational nor in the alternative medical/psychological/educational treatments nor in public education, public special education or in Homeschooling Communities & alternative education methods. I say, trust everyone, but verify every claim by carefully recording the child’s abilities and disabilities before and after therapy. If it isn’t working, it isn’t working, move on to something else.


Believe in your gut feeling and parental instincts as to whether your child is improving or getting worse.


Don’t panic—ever, never, ever.


With enough time, love and dedication to your child or a student improvements

are sure to come.




Directed by Dave & Joan Exley, Edited by Bill Williams, Production Services Provided in Melbourne, FL by A Cut Above Video Product, Inc,;  www.HowTo, Order # for Tapes or DVDs:  (877) 321-4646.

UNDERSTANDING DIFFICULT CHILDREN, Jeff Bradstreet, M.D, (Florida), Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a founder of the International Autism Institute, 32 minutes,;  Ruth Beechick commentary on seminar & calming & rational advice to parents - 35 min.





Dr. Bradstreet of Palm Bay, Fl, has a ministry and not a medical practice for Learning Disabilities. If you can get an appointment the secretary will carefully screen you child and the parents & then decide whether he can accept another patient. That’s the impression he gave me in this video. He said He’s not looking for tons of patients, “I don’t want everyone switching over their HMOs to us. His legal disclaimer on the video says:  “This is general health care education material and has some advice”. In this seminar, he gives some tips on handling your difficult child. Parents must be relaxed and patient in order to help their difficult children.


If you spank a 2 or 3 year old [I don’t advocate it] and they don’t ever cry, they should be checked out by a doctor because they might have a serious medical condition.


Autism Spectrum Disorders have increased about 450% in the last 12 years. ADHD is also growing at an alarming rate and it is a worldwide problem. Many Learning Disabilities may be caused immune system disorders or neurological & hormonal problems.  Maybe 1-5% of children have hypo or hyper thyroidism and most doctors won’t do the test or even suspect it. Allergies, Asthma, Seizures, Encephalopathy, Trauma, Tumors, Calcium/Magnesium deficiencies and DHA (Essential Fatty Acids) also may be to blame.


He is committed to Homeschooling his own children, one of whom has a form of autism and one is doing Crawling Therapy (Symetrical Tonic Neck Reflex {STNR} – Crawl Reflex). Babies should start crawling by about six months old for about six months, so the therapy to reverse it may take up to six months. Whether it concerns you or not, some medical professionals think of some of these ideas as unproven or even quackery. He gives tips based on his research, his ministry and obviously he uses his own methods on his children and he claims they are working well.


He likens Ritalin therapy for ADHD as giving cocaine to your children, because the molecule structures look very similar and probably won’t help your child in the long run. ADHD can involve brain atrophy, so it definitely should be treated as early as possible, with the safest methods you can find.



Ruth Beechick provides a short commentary on his seminar. She is gentle, calming & rational in her advice to parents. She puts his talk and her experience into perspective.





PERCEPTUAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. Steve Shapiro, M.S. (Colorado), author of The Learning Connection and Falling Through the Cracks & other computer software to correct & enhance visual defects; 20 min., www.learning, Ruth Beechick commentary on interview with calming & rational advice to parents - 24 min.


Mr. Shapiro wanted to know what caused learning problems and he met an Optometrist who had some interesting ideas. He started to incorporate them into a method for curing learning difficulties. He claims that 80% of learning occurs through the visual system. He focuses on four basic learning areas that must be improved upon in order to correct most Learning Disorders the:  Visual, Auditory Processing, Perception & Motor Skills.


Nine out of ten parents can build the necessary skills in children. Don’t rush to medication or specialists unless the problem is severe or you need help.


Learning Disabilities sometime cause self esteem issues in a child and frustration in the parents.


He demonstrated eye tracking by holding a pencil 6 inches from his nose and moving it slowly to the right side, about six inches away, and then to the other side. Both eyes should follow the pencil and his did. Another test you can do for your children is to hold the pencil about the same distance away and ask them to concentrate on the eraser while you slowly move it closer to the nose and then slowly backwards. This will test the eye muscle strength and the eyes should both turn inwards (Crossed eyes) and then separate together. Don’t let the eyes stay crossed more than a second. An infant may not have this eye muscle development, so check on the proper ages to do this test. If the eyes go on separate tracks, jerk, vibrate or the child rubs their eyes and pushes the pencil away they have a tracking control problem. If you ask a question when doing the pencil tests and the eyes search the mind so the eyes move off the track of the pencil that means their brains can’t do more than one task at a time.



He claims, all the learning systems can be retrained with his methods and you will see improvements in writing, listening, balance, visual learning, math skills & self esteem.


Ruth Beechick provides a short commentary on his interview. She is gentle, calming & rational in her advice to parents. She puts his talk and her experience into perspective.




What happens when you mix Western Science as represented by an M.D. & Education Experts with theories about Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities and Autism that some scientists say are quackery?


  1.  You get treatments for your children that aren’t covered by your medical insurance & both parents must work to pay for the treatments.
  2. You get hope and some success when under the strict medical model you sometimes had little hope and sometimes regressions in your child’s behavior.
  3. You have a child that is drug free & feels loved by his/her parents (caretakers).
  4. Little Johnny or Suzy is learning better at home in a familiar place.
  5. The hostile, critical, drug-pushing Public Schools only saw your children as an added expense and problem, so now they can relax, they’re with you.
  6. You can teach your religion, philosophy or moral values to your child without fear of having antagonistic and hostile values shoved done their throats by modern humanistic education.
  7. You can “train up a child” the way you want them to go. [Proverbs 22:6]
  8. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”, do you want people that are your enemies to rule your children and the world?
  9. What did we do in this world to ready it for our Messiah or Christ? Did we strengthen it for the anti-Christ or anti-Messiah?


This may sound too simplistic, reactionary or apocalyptic, but I believe the time is passing away when we can still protect our American freedoms.


“True science” is being accepted along with “ancient medical, herbal, yoga, nutritional & spiritual practices”, but they disprove each other & cause confusion. They’re at odds with each other. The ancient practices use modern scientific statistical models to prove how effective Home Schooling, prayer, religion, and natural treatments are. These complicated statistics are subject to arbitrary choice and manipulation. Should the researcher choose a statistical mean, average, Pearson R co-efficient or some even harder to understand formula? The results will come out wrong or deceptive if you chose the wrong formula. Most scientific and journal papers and research methods are not examined any more, so a lot of science is basically advertising for the government, foundations or business that are financing these “sold-out” scientists. Are we diluting and polluting our true beliefs with scientific “theories”? What will happen ultimately to our faith?


Many statistical formulas didn’t exist until recent computer times & sometimes they are used maliciously or mischievously to skew the data. Science often recommends hopefulness in the treatment (placebo effect), along with good diet, regular dental appointments, good mental health and exercise. Whether their treatments are really the cause of the cure is often unsure.

Are their physical operations, medicines effective or did you follow the advise of the doctor & live a healthier life style, maybe that cured you.. So, they are using methods that aren’t traditional either. What’s a mother to do? What’s a father to do? But more importantly what is the right path, the ancient, Biblical, Hindu, Buddhist, Moslem, New Age, or Twenty-first century medicine? Sometimes Christians don’t realize or care how mixed up & conflicting these practices are to their sacred beliefs.


  1. Who are the better teachers of our children:  the parents or paid professionals that are always picketing for higher pay & can’t give individual attention to each student?
  2. When you have a difficult, depressed and frustrated child are they better off with strangers in a school that see them as a problem student or at home with a parent who is involved in a Homeschooling Association?
  3. Is it better to fail and give up with either proven science or anecdotal science (New Age or Newer Experimental models) or switch back and forth until you find a treatment that finally works?


I think we should have the freedom to spend our money & time with any learning method or medical model that we want. But, some parents would rather let their children regress into infants, become criminals, be martyrs for the cause, carry bombs for religion, or rot in a sanatorium or institution or even die than, face the facts that their religion or humanistic philosophy or the western scientific medical model is killing their child, themselves and their society. I’m against blindness to the facts and letting your child die. Find a belief that is real and works. There is a thin line between wanting your child to be like everyone else and making your religion more important than the happiness of the child and even the adults. What’s more important, your beliefs or your success in life? A happy & successful child equals happy & successful parents.


What’s it like to raise a child as a Humanist, who has no allegiance to religious morality?

Well, you must not spank, you must teach that homosexuality is just as good as heterosexuality. You must teach that education is more important to your future happiness, freedom and ability to help others. You must teach that people who worship ancestors, spirits, moon or sun gods are just as good as those who worship one god or no god. You must teach that drugs and alcohol & meditation are all good ways to alter your consciousness and that will make you more creative. You will teach that abortion and medical treatments are acceptable and a necessary part of a free sexual life-style & it’s none of God’s business.


The modern, liberal parent will see their children experiment with alcohol, drugs, sexuality, religions, paganisms, go through sexual treatments, abortion and fertility treatments when they try to have a baby in their late thirties and early forties. Some of the children will be scarred for life, will have been arrested & put in jail, some mentally disabled, some physically, some will kill themselves, die from drug overdoses, get sexually caused cancers, AIDs or die prematurely. This can happen to the religious, but at a lower percentage. They will have so much education and yet be moral midgets, unless they survive and become adults. Some will have keen insights into life and will understand evil better than any holy person can, but at what price and for what purpose?




If you live in a democracy you should have a choice of how you raise & educate your children, but eventually we won’t. In Germany, Homeschooling is illegal, so there is no democracy for the minority Homeschoolers, the children & the parents. This is a clear warning sign of where Liberal Socialism is going. Too much power will allow them to a complete take over of all laws, call it fascism, communism, dictatorship, or evil. Old fashioned & true- to-its-roots type Christianity & Judaism will once again be suppressed, mocked and become illegal, as it is becoming today. Paganism, witchcraft, Satanism, nature worship, and sacrifice of humans for the society through:  abortion, euthanasia, refusal of medical treatments and even denial food & water to law breakers will be the accepted practice. Terri Schiavo was refused water, because a stupid and evil judge thought that her quality of life wasn’t good enough. The Governor of the State of Florida didn’t have the back bone or strength of convictions to order her to be sent to her parents' house & his brother was the President of the United States. Weak Christians will allow the murder of our fellow Christians. Ms. Schiavo was protected from her caring parents by a police officer who carried a gun. Later the worship of the gods of money, prosperity, health, sex and fun will grow in practice until, the gods are actually given new names or their ancient names. Do you think it can’t happen? It’s happened in Stalin & Mao’s Communism, Hitler’s Third Reich, and Muslim Fundamentalism. And it’s all on the rise in popularity again.

            Homeschooling is the right of parents, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, American Indians or Muslims to educate their children the way they want to.


Homeschooling is the right of parents whose children have Learning Disabilities to be raised without stigma. They have the right to refuse the drugs: Ritalin or Adderall. No one should force them into a “Special Classroom” or be sent to the Principals’ Office time after time, because they can’t sit still, can’t stop talking and can’t learn. Homeschooling is salvation, a Heaven of normalcy, a chance to have a normal life for these children. They are loved at home by their parents who spend lot’s of money on them to help them. If that isn’t a demonstration of love then what is it? Children feel special in a good way, when they are loved and sacrificed for. If the world needs love, then it needs loving parents and certainly some Homeschooled children.

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