My Religious Questions & Views



JOHN, 2/11/11


I’m not a smart man, I’m not even as goal-focused as Forest Gump was, but I’m fifty-five years old, so my brain is developing some wisdom. Wisdom is seeing the broader picture, the whole elephant. Remember that story involving six or seven blind men touching, smelling & listening to a giant creature & trying to determine what it was? Religion, philosophy, science & politics are offering hope & structure to billions of blind men & women. We blind people (No offence intended to the legally physically- blind) have ideas, hopes & dreams. We are all competing to be heard, appreciated or followed. We are all trying to figure out what life is…heck, we want to know who we are!



Does life have purpose & meaning?  Politics is a science of how we should be forced to & force others to live this mysterious life. Even if everyone stopped believing in Heaven, resurrection, eternal souls or reincarnation, as John Lennon suggested in his song…nothing would change for the better. As long as we have children, clones-or in the future-robots that become emotional & independent we will still have a need to protect the earth & civilization for the next generation. Politics tries to take these billions & either brainwashes or hypnotizes… or uses the carrot & the stick approach to get them into following the same moral & civic traffic lights in order to avoid a grid-locked society. Some Nations, like America, offer gentle inducements to obey the rules such as  low cost or free:  gas & heating oil, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, abortion, entertainment, religion, schools, concerts, parks, holidays, safer employment, safer free prisons, polite police, generic medicine & safer streets. Others model their society after Hitler & Stalin to create a nightmarish police state, controlled by psychological terror, torture & murder. The conversation is all based in lying. Lying leaders, propaganda, staged pro-government rallies are the only items allowed on the menu. Lying promises are the only expectation of these citizens. You can figure out which countries or groups employ these methods most successfully. For me to reveal, what you already know, would be asking for harassment or death to myself. You see, evil people, groups & nations have to discredit, punish or kill anyone who calls them a liar or threatens their regime with truth. There are two political parties in America that have any power:  the Big Business Party & the Anti-American Party.



The Big Business Party is composed of the Republican Party & the Democratic Party. Their reason for existence is to continue to keep the rich in power & ever increase their own money & power. Money, Power & Injustice are their top three gods. They hate anyone who won’t bow to their gods. Their dream is to have a few rich & powerful trillionaires controlling the violent, poor & diseased populations of the world. That’s what they’re doing now. They will also destroy America.



The Anti-American Party contains left wing Liberal Democrats, right wing Conservatives Republicans, The Communists, Socialists, Animals’ Rights/Environmentalist Groups, Muslim groups, world organizations, self-interested minorities, Anarchists, Marxists, European groups, Anti-Christian groups, Anti-Jewish groups, Anti-God groups, & other entities that want to weaken America or anyone that doesn’t think like them. The AAP hates anyone that tries to enlighten the Blind Sheep by revealing their selfish & ignorant plans at world domination. Their dream is to have a perfect world, for the leaders of their groups, & a slightly better life for their enslaved populations. They get elected when they falsely promise:  financial security, happiness & peace.



One of these certainly comes after all the earthly politics:  The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, or The Messiah’s Government or God’s Worldwide Kingdom. I don’t have faith in the schemes & foolish plans of the spiritually blind mankind (people-kind). I have faith that Jesus will return from Heaven & set up his kingdom. Truth will be the only speech that comes from his government. Justice will flow down to everyone. Love will comfort everyone. There will be one god, who will not be a disguise or delusion for our own selfish needs or wants. God will be separate from our egos. We will stop worshipping ourselves. We will leave our lies & ignorant behaviors behind. We will be the children of God & God will be our Parent…as it should be.



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