My Religious Questions & Views



BY JOHN, 11/14/10

What can I say? The truth will set you free. Humans make up the majority of Christianity and humans are desperately confused, sinful & murderous. So, yes Christians persecuted, forced conversions & destroyed religions. If it helps:

I, a Christian, a son of the most High God, apologize for the crimes against humanity. I'm sorry & we're sorry. We love you, whoever you are.

But, sometimes love gets mixed up with fear, anxiety, depression, illness & desperation. The worst violence seems to be the super powerful, believing that anything they do is sanctioned by the gods, Evolution's Survival of the Fittest, science, technology, ideology, money, sexual urges, intellectual pride or God. You who are not Christians should understand that almost all:  non Christian institutions, States, Nations, down to the smallest tribes & families have persecuted each other for power, fear of poverty, food, water, cattle, land, ideas, wealth & for dreams--of creating the perfect Paradise on earth. Don't believe the lies. Your beliefs, actions & lifestyles DO directly influence me, mine & yours. The beliefs of others really threaten me, really threaten you. There are severe economic, moral, & social consequences to everyone's belief. That is the truth that must be recognized first. Then we can decide together what is best. If people want to keep their own religious or atheistic beliefs then let them try not to persecute, mock & deliberately try to destroy others as some fanatical atheists, nature lovers, communists & religious are now doing. Who decides how to do that? Ultimately God.

For example, if women are in charge of the world, men will become second class citizens for a long while, until some enlightened women realize that men have a "soul" and are also children of God. Absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton). It doesn't matter if homosexuals, lesbians, animal lovers, plant lovers, drug dealers, child molestors or sex traders get into power they will become tyrants for a while. To overthrow one group of people like men (patriarchy) just when they are starting to understand their sins of selfishness, blindness & lack of love will just start another horrible cycle of hatred, selfishness, genocides & persecutions in the new king of the hill group...until they too become enlightened.


The only solution is to put God in charge. Wait until the religious leaders on earth start following God's example of giving:  rain, air, sun and plenty to all religions, non religions, humans, educated, ignorant, male, female, sexual, non sexual, wise, confused, animals, insects & the whole cycle of life--without prejudice, hatred or punishment.

When we do something with exaggerated: 

importance, rhetoric, hatred, violence, oppressive laws, no laws, bribery, lies, lawyers, judges, greed, pride, selfishness, money & selfish democracy

we are still part of the problem.

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