My Religious Questions & Views



By John L. D.

Revised 9/10/11


VIDEOS; Search:  Preachyification;; Search:  Pathbuilder

Websites that are pro-Muslim & pro-Christian


The Muslim belief that the Bible predicted Mohammed & Islam.,


[Christian rebuttal] An Evaluation of Prominent Claims Made by Muslim Apologists that Assert that Muhammad was Foretold in the Bible



A Muslim grandmother asked me for a Bible. This meant to me that she liked me so much that she would read this Bible which was nothing at all to her. She believed in the Qur’an (Koran) without any reservations & also the prophet & Islam. Her now deceased husband had long ago convinced her to live in peace with all people by believing that all religions or anyone could form a connection with God through meditation. It’s kind of Eastern ecumenicism through meditation. I wanted to write a letter that would enlighten her & benefit her, but not anger or insult her religion. This is what I came up with.




Dear Mrs. Hameda (pseudonym, false name to protect the innocent),

            Here is the Bible you asked for & an extra one if, someone asks you. I heard it can take about 56 hours to read it, but most people take a year to read it. This Protestant Bible has 66 inspired books. Some books are difficult to read, some are poetic & some offer wisdom. Some say up to one third (1/3rd) of the Bible books have prophesy-about the future. Shakespeare used a lot of Bible quotations in his plays. European & American Law were partially based on the Ten Commandments. Most histories, religions & philosophies were not completely truthful about their Founders’ flaws, sins & crimes, but the Bible is. The oldest copy of the Bible, we have preserved, is almost four hundred years older than Mohammed & it is basically the same today, so it was not corrupted. The Bible has something for everyone & is the best selling book of all time. The Koran quotes, retells or reinterprets stories from the Bible. Thank you for sharing in my interest in the Bible & for your friendship.

Websites that are pro-Muslim & pro-Christian


The Moslem belief that the Bible predicted Mohammed & Islam.,


[Christian rebuttal] An Evaluation of Prominent Claims Made by Muslim Apologists that Assert that Muhammad was Foretold in the Bible

Your spiritual son, John L. D.


Dear Mrs. Hameda,

            They say that you need to spend 10,000 hours studying, practicing or performing to become an expert on any subject, sport or art. If you spend three hours a day for seven days a week it would take you a little less than ten years. I must be an expert on television. I’ve spent at a minimum 23,000 hours on the Bible, College, Bible studies, TV & radio religious programs, books about religion, church sermons & Sunday school & I STILL DON’T KNOW THE WHOLE BIBLE!!!  The Bible spans 5,000 years of human history & who knows how many years of pre-human angelic history, but most of the books may have been formerly written down within 1,500 years time. The book of Job (say:  Jobe) is the most scientifically accurate book in the Old Testament & it is probably the oldest; maybe 3,500-4,500 years old & passed down through oral tradition. No Christian understands everything in the Bible. It is inspired by God, who is partially unknown. God reveals only what we need to know for our present life but He also gives prophesies for his future saints & followers. God reveals his truths to us only if we study & obey what the book says. We must also keep its moral life & believe (on many levels) then we will get closer to the truth. Mr. X, your husband also said similar things about attaining truth through the practice of it & that applies to any religion.


Dear Mrs. Hameda,

            I’ve spent about 30,000 hours or more trying to understand the Bible. I’m still a beginner. Here are some things that I’ve learned.

  1.  The Bible talks about angels & demons before humans were created.
  2. It talks about God’s creation as if God was telling it to Moses & he wrote it all down.
  3. It says that God chose the smallest, most stubborn & foolish people on the earth—The Hebrews—to be his special people. Not the Arabs or the French, but the Jews.
  4. The Bible is written mostly by the Semitic (Jewish, Arab, & some others) races called the Jews or the chosen of God & Abraham.
  5. Abraham was chosen from a family of idol worshipers—he was not a Jewish man, but of the Semite race. He gave birth to Isaac (& Ishmael); Isaac to Jacob (& Esau {Edom}), Jacob is named Israel by God & has the twelve sons that became the twelve tribes of the Hebrews. Judah is one of the sons & tribes where we get the name Jew from.
  6. Most people, especially Communist, Socialists, Humanists, Liberals & Jews, have replaced true religion with psychology, science, medicine, pharmacology, anti-Jewish & anti-Christian ideas, anti-family morality & selfish behaviors.
  7. Jesus said, if you followed him, you would be persecuted & hated by your own family, culture & everyone else. Most people want to be liked & loved, so they ignore Jesus.
  8. The story of the Jews loving God & betraying Him so many times could make you hate or look down on the Jews. But, really all religions & all Christians who sincerely try to obey God:  sin, fall into past evils, & return again to God over & over again. The religions are not necessarily corrupted—but the people are easily falling into the sewer & then showering, but falling in the toilet again & again.
  9. The Bible is not corrupted. Truth always remains true.
  10. Jesus loves everyone, but he says he is now the only way to Heaven & the New Paradise on Earth-in the future. So many things he said have been twisted by Christians & anti-Christians. I accept & don’t deny this teaching, but I don’t like it, because it is difficult for non Christians. If I tell you this is the only pill that will cure cancer will you reject it?
  11. Jesus said we should love our enemies. Almost everyone was his enemy & still is, but he loves everyone. You love your son & daughter, even if they commit a crime, but one day they may be taken to jail. We may go to Hell. I hope no one goes to Hell, but many will.
  12. There are three main ways to understand Jesus as a Christian & two of them are wrong.
  1. He spoke for his day, but the times have changed & he is now irrelevant. If he was God, an avatar, a prophet, enlightened or a saint the people were too backwards so, he spoke at their childish level. So the words of Jesus contain a lot of nonsense. Jesus was a nice guy, a healer, & was a martyred holy man...but he was not God.
  2. He was God & is still God. He believed the story of Jonah getting swallowed by the fish. Jesus said he is our only salvation!! Jesus replaces the Jewish Temple & nationality-based religion (the chosen people) with himself as the method to get to Heaven. All religions that deny him are anti-Christian & from Satan. That’s what Jesus & his followers taught & I don’t feel good hurting anyone by saying it. Jesus also taught that there was an eternal Hell-fire (Gehenna) that was created for the Devil & demons & human sinners would one day be thrown in there-the Lake of Fire-& to suffer eternally. Matt. 5:22, 13:42-50, 18:8-9, 22:13, 25:4,46; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:19-31; Jude
  3. Jesus Christ thought he was God, but he wasn’t. His disciples made him look so good, because they didn’t want to admit they were fooled by him. There are many paths to God or maybe no God.

[Pick a, b or c, be honest about what you believe.]

What do you believe about Jesus?

  1. The Bible says God is One. It also uses a plural word in Hebrew for gods-Elohim as one of God’s names. YHWH means I am that I am (God) which we mis-pronounce (no “j” sound use a “y”) as Jehovah. It is another name for God. Jesus says many times that he is “I Am” & they tried to kill him for saying that.
  2. When God creates the world he says, “Let us make man in our own image” Genesis 1:26 Why does God talk to himself as if someone else is listening?
  3. Jesus says he & God are:  Father & Son, identical & one. He also said that he came from Heaven, sent by the Father God.
  4. Jesus said he could forgive anyone’s sins & he was accused of blasphemy, but he didn’t apologize. Luke 5:17-26
  5. When I study God in the Old or New Testament it’s nothing like the Greek & Roman gods fighting, have sex, being mean, being split in two & another god being formed & other speculations. All pagan religions are similar in their sacrifices, incense, rituals to appease easily angered gods, demons, divas, ghost, spirits, animal spirits, etc.. They might use trance-like repetitions. Their scriptures sometimes have fanciful epics, vague descriptions/poetry of life, non historical stories & praying to statues. Alcohol, drugs, fasting, deep breathing, meditation are used to induce visions or enlightenment. Many spiritual folk retreat to caves. The dampness, the darkness, isolation, stale air, lack of fresh air, unhealthy vapors, etc., can also bring on visions or enlightenment. They, do this for themselves, a village, a people or a tribe. Usually no one will dare to doubt a holy man/woman’s vision or wisdom. Their claims about the gods are seldom questioned. The Bible is on a higher level & seems more inspired & holy to me. Prophets & saints have met my God in the desert, on a mountain top, in a valley, a vision, a dream, a church, a Temple, a prison, cave, in the sky, in Heaven, in a wind, in a locked second story room, in a manger & in the Garden of Eden He is everywhere.

This is what my Bible says:

a.      God is a living God. Anything that has life can die. Jesus died & was God.

b.      God walked like a man in the Garden of Eden (Paradise).

c.       God tells us what he wants & hates. He promises us a judgment with rewards or punishments. Why wouldn’t our creator communicate with us?

d.      God talks to Himself & Jesus explains why. Matthew 22:41-46

e.       Jesus is God. Matthew 1:21-23.

  1. The Jewish leaders rejected Jesus as Messiah & had him crucified. [The following information is not in the Bible:  The Hebrews rejected the Christian writings that would later become the New Testament about 70 or 80 years after Jesus was crucified at the Council of Jamnia.] They knew that Jesus claimed to be God & the Messiah. The Bible predicted the time of the Messiah’s appearance very accurately & a messiah should have rescued them from the destruction of the Temple & their government. They said God has no son & their Messiah would be human & bring violence, victory & then peace to earth.

It’s history! The Bible’s New Testament was not corrupted. Examine the 3rd century Bibles or the scrolls found in Israel that were written before & after the time of Christ. Nothing has changed & the texts are basically the same as our modern Bibles. Jesus actually said things that sounded “crazy” & that he was against all religions & religious leaders that didn’t believe & worship him. Most religions don’t care if you worship many gods or have many beliefs, but a Jesus that claims total loyalty they forbid.



Dear Mrs. Hameda,

       We are so close to God spiritually, you are like my mother & I am like your son. My real mother doesn’t praise me much, tell me to call more often & just bask in happiness because I am there. God is my real mother & father. Whenever someone else has the presence of God within them I feel at home with them, they’re my family. There are many people who will be in Heaven that will surprise us. They weren’t the right religion, they didn’t try to sweet talk, bribe, argue with people to follow their way of religion & they weren’t about to believe that Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Humanism was superior to their religion. They have a peace & they can’t believe that any other religion or connection with God is superior to theirs.

I am a Christian & you are a Muslim. I can talk to you about the “corruptions of the Bible”, but you can’t talk to me about the Qur’an having mistakes & not being the true word of God. That would be forbidden to me & to you by your religion. I can try to prove that the Bible & Jesus Christ are the truth, by discussing all of your objections & proving that the Bible isn’t corrupt. That is not enough to convince most Muslims, because the Koran contradicts & criticizes the Bible. So any Christian is at an extreme disadvantage and so most Muslims will stay in their religion. If, Islam is a false religion then the Muslims will have to face the consequences after death. What would God judge as evil in a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, & a Communist? Some sins of the Bible are cowardice to confess Jesus or the One God, having other gods, not believing the truth of God’s prophet(s) or Messiah, blasphemy for saying Jesus is a demon, for following a false god, for idol worship, for attacking the true scriptures, not believing salvation through the blood of Jesus, etc. So, since we are friends we won’t get into any argument or try to convert each other. If God sends you a dream about Jesus Christ then it will be up to you. Here is the Bible you requested. I believe you asked me for it to share in my experience with the Bible, because you are my friend. Thank you for caring about me and expressing it in a way no one else has done. You make me feel important, like a first born or last born son. I want to meet you in Paradise & so I will try hard to please God.

Your spiritual son, John, 7/18/11



Dear Mrs. Hameda,

Here is a Bible for you & an extra one if someone else is interested. The Bible is the basis for American & European civilization, because the phrases & ideas of the Bible are in our language & thoughts. An atheist will often quote Shakespeare, but he doesn’t know that he quoted the Bible in most of his plays. People who understand the Bible do better on our IQ tests.

The Qur’an quotes & changes the Hebrew Old Testament & New Testament. So the Jewish & Christian Bibles are part of the Koran. It is forbidden by some branches of Shiite or Sunni Muslims to criticize or evaluate the Qur’an or Islam & so we can never have total freedom to discuss the flaws, contradictions or questions of Islam or the Koran. But if God wants anyone to convert to this or that he will send them a dream or vision or send a special person to convince them somehow.

You & I are similar in that we believe that the principles of life & of God can be found in most religions & in the hearts of most people. Those who seek truth & God will find both. God will find his family & separate them from the sinners on the Judgment Day. Most religions are used by God to get His way, even though most of them have bad people. You can read the Bible in 56 hours. Then find the books you love for study or meditation & be inspired.

May the peace of God be with you, John L. D.



Dear Mrs. Hameda,

If, it’s impossible to understand the eternal God, then we can never fully understand His prophets or His sacred books, His saintly followers or the holy martyrs. If we can’t understand God we can’t speak for Him. We also can’t work for God, do good things for God, fight wars for God or bring peace for God, because we might be misrepresenting Him. If God is unknowable then you can’t convert anyone, because maybe God doesn’t want that or him or her to be converted. But, if God reveals his will through a prophet then you can follow God’s will. But, when the prophet dies, God may no longer be speaking through his disciples, apostles, brothers, cousins, uncles, theologians, keepers of the sacred way, etc. How do we know if God only spoke about a particular issue, in a particular time that is not relevant now? What if God is mad that we are speaking for Him with false prophets & evil people pretending to be holy? They exist in every philosophy & belief & they are twisting & distorting the truth of God.

Any religion or atheism that claims no one can know God’s will for humans should kick everyone out of their meetings, lock their doors & never mention God again.

It is ridiculous to say that God only spoke to one person who is dead and then still keep the church or religion alive but, it may depend on what the person said.

Religious or spiritual people are still in the majority & they still think God still speaks to mankind. Maybe the ancient scriptures have God’s words & then the “holy” leaders or “scholars” interpret it for us. This is where corruption comes into all religions. When religions become big, rich & powerful Satan sends his children in to corrupt interpretations of the Holy Texts. Christians have so many interpretations & schools of thought on the Bible. Hindus have so many, Muslims have so many, because they are big & powerful & all contain so many corruptions.

If we read the text, in the original language as an honest individual, we will still corrupt it. We were raised in a morally different time. They had specific sins & problems, but ours are different. We’ve been corrupted by television, radio, school, government, freedom, or our parents. Yes, our parents & their parents all corrupted or were corrupted & they taught us. Each generation gets more corrupted & farther from the truth. There are a few people who isolate themselves from the culture, try to put aside their cultural upbringing & try to read their Scriptures in a non biased or emotional state of mind. But, still it is very difficult to determine the mind of the person or persons who wrote the ancient text & apply it to our lives in the computer, commuter, telephone & space age.

 For me, the Bible & the way Jesus interpreted or revealed the Old Testament is the best explanation. I’ve partially read the writings of many false Christian religions, spiritualists, Hindus, Buddhists, & even read a little of the Koran & some books about Muslims. They are all inspiring, beautiful & amazing, but the Bible is a real story, a history of God & man. I don’t have the intelligence or wisdom to pick a religion. I asked God to do it for me & I think He has. God has taken me through many spiritual, religious & many different Christian teachings. Maybe He will keep bringing me up to His final truth or true religion. I won’t know until I get to Heaven if I reached the best religion that represented God’s plan for me. If I didn’t think God wanted me in Christianity now, I wouldn’t be able to intellectually choose the right religion. Satan is too smart & I am too dumb. Only God can guide me back to Him or keep me in the right religion. This applies especially to me, because I am a little slow & not sharp like most people, but even they get fooled by the devil. Only God can lead the willing heart, smart or dumb to Him.

If, you ever want to understand Christians in America or Europe or the Jews in Israel you must read the Bible. If you read it only to criticize then you will miss the wisdom & the truths about the God of these people. Many expressions in Shakespeare & our expressions come from the Bible.

The Americans & Europeans are rejecting their God & so many nations, natural disasters, poverty & disease are continuously punishing us. God can’t protect sinners from Satan, because they are serving the Devil. Economically it’s bad & getting worse in America & we are losing our first class Nation status. Nature is going berserk. Atheists, communists & Muslims are all threatening to destroy our culture & religion. All countries & ideologies are suffering a higher number of wars & calamities than normal. We all seem to be sinning against God. Let’s all repent together. We have sinned against God so, let us turn around & fall to our knees & beg God to forgive us. We must stop living in & for sin. Get out of the pig pen.

I believe that Jesus was & is God, a part of a Trinity of One God. The Jews & Muslims will say that I’m a fool, heretic or a sinner. But, I’m a fool for Jesus. I believe the Bible is not corrupted. It is the living word of God. It helps me to understand Jesus, my Savior, my blood sacrifice, my King, friend & Father.

I believe Jesus will judge every person. If, they believe & honor Jesus in life, He will reward them with eternal life. There may be exceptions as to who gets saved or lost, because God is fair, can’t be bribed & can’t be lied to. But, I also believe that the Bible is too difficult to understand without outside books, theologians & a pure heart for God. God judges people on how intelligent, honest, sincere & how much correct information they had about Jesus. If they had more time on earth, would they have chosen the Way of Jesus of Nazareth? Were they brave enough to accept Him. Did they hate things, money & family enough to choose Jesus & risk being hated by their family? Did they hate this life enough to hope for a new life where people & God are family?

I’ve changed religions & beliefs many times & God kept urging me to turn left or right. Just like my driving, I get lost often, but I usually find my destination & home. In the true story of Noah’s flood only eight people out of millions were saved. Jesus is like a small Ark (450 feet long X 50 ft. high X 75 ft. wide is the size of the Ark) & he said very few people would follow him till the end of their lives. I want to be one of them.

Do I understand Hell or eternal life? No. Do I think God should give everyone a new life? Sure, I wish everyone will be saved. I can’t understand Hell, but I can only tell someone what Jesus said & not interpret it too much.

In the past Catholics said Protestants couldn’t go to Heaven. Protestants said the same thing about Catholics. If we read a few laws & go to a trial we can predict what the Judge will rule. We will be wrong half of the time. The other 50% our guesses will be correct, but for the wrong reasons! The human law is so complex that we won’t understand why the judge let one murderer go free, but punished someone we liked, who did so much good. God is so much more complex that we need the help of an ultimate lawyer—Jesus! He will get us into Heaven. Ask him.

John L. D.







This is what I really wanted to say, the truth between me & her husband’s views about Islam, but was afraid to upset her & her family. I met Hameda through her husband. He was a naturopathic doctor & an admirer of Gandhi. I needed psychological counseling badly. I was a raised Roman Catholic & converted to Jesus with Billy Graham on TV & became a Seventh Day Adventist. I had left Christianity when I met him. Her husband practiced the Eastern version of psychology mixed with his personal wisdom & his experiences. Anything other than Western psychology sounded good since after about four years of counseling, spread out over my life-time:  with Mental Health Clinics, college counselors, an MSW counselor in a upper middle class part of town, a psychologist, about a year of various anti depressants, and a year and a half with a Psychiatrist I hadn’t been helped much. Besides I was so confused about morality & religion because of college philosophy/religion major, psychology major (double major), minor in sociology, and the rapidly changing culture. I didn’t know anymore what was right or wrong, good or bad for me or the world. Self help books were easily forgotten a week or two after I read them.

Part of Eastern psychology involves deep breathing, meditation, yoga, right thinking, right actions, etc. I’ll call him Mr. X to protect his identity. Mr. X was an agnostic in India when he attended college, but soon became interested in naturopathy & the Eastern concept of an God that you can make use of or leave alone. Earning money, business studies, hobbies & Gandhi kept him busy. Why take one religion too seriously when you could have the best from each, was his approach? Combined with spiritual, herbal & philosophical experiments in his life & later with his patients’ lives he was able to develop a practical teaching method.

His wife & her family were Muslims, as were his family. He was persecuted for his insistence that Islam was no better or worse than any other religion. The persecution amounted to threats that he wouldn’t be buried in the Muslim cemetery & would instead be left on his doorstep to rot. They also warned him he had no chance of Paradise. His relatives loved him &/or respected his intelligence & skills as a naturopath. He turned hopelessly unhealthy people into productive people giving them a new lease on life. He died & was buried many years later in a good old age. He was laid to rest in an American cemetery in the midst of the infidel dead:  Christians, atheists, etc. & agnostics. They couldn’t bury him in the Muslim part of the cemetery, because of his outspoken infidelity to Islam. He didn’t care. He believed that if you followed God in this life after death you would be with God. Even though I believe in the Bible literally I’m pretty sure he is in Heaven, but only God can judge.

Mr. X taught that all religions were good & helpful in the past, but they would become corrupted through time. Islam began as a warring, desert, monotheistic religion that united the polytheistic Arabs under one God. Before that they had so many desert, mountain & water gods, demons, divas, dust devils, superstitions, fears & spirits to contend with. They had constant clan battles & way too much chaos for a peaceful government or society. It was hard to attract but the boldest of tourists or to develop decent trade routes or water ways that were even moderately safe from bandits & pirates. Mohammed united them, because God called him to that mission. The method of unification was war, but war is not needed today. Islam united the people-not for war- but against pagan ignorance & in fighting. War is no longer needed & Islam has failed to bring peace. It has failed to help the people of today & rather makes many of them & their non Muslim neighbors miserable. Mr. X thought the same thing about all ancient religions including Christianity. He believed that God wanted us, everyone, to live in happiness & peace.

Today, in a worldwide community Islam is at war or potentially at war with the whole world. All cultures & nations who become Muslims must take on this Arabic religion, meant for the Arabic people’s, with their Arabic Qur’an, which can’t be translated into any other language & still be called eternal or holy. These outsiders have joined this clannish revenge battle against the Jews who are the Arabs brothers, half brothers or cousins & also against anyone who refuses to become a Muslim. This is a very dangerous condition for them & us. What we need now is a religion of peace. If the Prophet were here today, he would be a prophet of peace, because that’s what God wants for us in this present generation. The modern world demands a modern interpretation of the ancient truths. Not that the truth was wrong, that could never be, but that words, situations & times have changed so the presentation of truth has to also change. Because of his beliefs about Islam I have changed his name to protect his family from unwanted attention. Please respect their wishes not to be sought out.

Religion has to help people to have a better life or else the religion should be abandoned. My interpretation of Mr. X’s beliefs about Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism & any religion, is that they should improve the world. God wants you to have peace in your own life through meditation & peace in the world though the spread of meditation & the yoga philosophy of right thinking, right actions, right eating, right exercise, etc., & a practical religion that benefits everyone in the world. I don’t think that is the message of Christianity, but he thought it should be all religions’ message.

 I could talk to Mr. X about Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gandhi, the Tao, or Christianity, but I couldn’t talk to his family about Islam. Except, I could say something neutral or that was agreeable. Now he is dead & I believe he’s in Heaven. It’s a strange thing for a Christian to believe. He & most people that knew him believed he was communicating with God & would be in Paradise. He meditated for 2 or 3 hours everyday to connect with God. He helped the sick & hopeless whether they were:  Jews, homosexuals, lesbians, Christians, Sufis, Muslims, Theosophists, Unitarians, liberals, conservatives, Indians, Pakistanis, Americans or anyone. And he was able to improve almost every life he ever touched. His naturopathy or yoga philosophy taught that every area of life required some discipline, proper diet (moderate amounts of meat were ok, not only vegetarianism), no homosexuality, no masturbation, no excessive sex, no hot water on the head & so many things that his patients picked & chose from, but they ignored the parts that offended them.

That’s what people want--to be helped--without having to follow or believe everything you teach. They want the freedom to change their minds, so he adjusted to these hard facts of life for their human nature. In one video a lesbian confronted him on his beliefs about homosexuals & lesbians. He said he’d rather talk about it later, one on one, if she would make an appointment. She persisted & he admitted that yoga sciences taught that same sex arrangements would lead to disease, like two north or south pole magnets repel each other the same sex arrangement was forced & unnatural. Opposite pole magnets attract strongly & so do male & female, in most species & peoples. I never heard him speak about it to me or any of the sat sang meetings, because many of his disciples & group members were lesbians & homosexuals. So if a client or patient didn’t want to know, he reasoned that at least he could help them with their sickness, diet, meditation & yoga exercises. In India or Pakistan he probably could talk about such sexual sciences, but not in America where so many homos & lesbians were attracted to meditation & yoga.

I believe that God knows if someone accepts him or not. Did the human spirit have a fair chance to hear & know about Jesus on earth? Jesus knows whether someone would have accepted or rejected him, whether they were raised Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, in a free family or culture, city or nation or even in a hostile culture. If they became convinced that Jesus wasn’t just a good man, but their Savior or that God can stop being invisible & that God did have a son would they still reject him or not? I think Dr. X would have accepted Jesus if he really understood the truth about him. Jesus is the judge and both conclusions bring me comfort.


Let Us Reason Ministries



By John L. D.


There are millions of Muslims around the world that have had visions of Jesus Christ. I heard a former Shiite terrorist declare that fact on the TBN religious TV network. Many of them were fanatical Muslims & terrorists, but now they are crying that they were wrong & Jesus is the true God. If I have a vision of Jesus, but not Buddha, an Avatar, Mohammed then I would naturally believe in Jesus & not the others. Some people were enemies of God & Jesus Christ & yet they had visions of Jesus Christ, like St. Paul did. Like St. Paul they converted, endured great hardships & witnessed to the true God, even if they were threatened with death or had to die for Him. I believe that Jesus Christ is reaching out to the Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. & atheists. Your culture won’t want you to know about the real Jesus of the New Testament. They’ll present him as a liberal guru who is like a liberal & terrible mother that can never correct, criticize or hold the child up to the high standards or family, societal or religious morality. Today, freedom of religion often means freedom from religion or joining a State-sponsored religion. As a human being you are free to be enslaved to someone else’s religion, atheistic science philosophy or oppressive culture, but you can also break free. You only have one life to live on this cursed earth, so be brave & live the truth. Be a servant of God, not man/woman/pleasure/ideals/religion.

There are many people that convert everyday to a different religion, especially where it is not against the law. There are Jews that have converted to Christianity, Christians who have become Muslims, Hindus who have become Catholics, etc. Conversion doesn’t always prove that your previous religion was wrong. Maybe you got tired of it, God led you to it, or you got talked into a true or false religion. If there is freedom then people will try different religions. Catholics & Protestants don’t like people to have the freedom to leave Christianity, but they must accept this choice in free societies. They also know that God won’t honor someone’s choice if it was forced, because you must love our God with all your heart, mind & strength.

If someone is forced to say he believes in Jesus, Allah, Buddha, the avatars, the gods or Elohim then, they will go to Hell,

because they didn’t believe it in their hearts.

If Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. or Jews are forced to worship Allah & convert to Islam, then they must also go to Hell. The Muslims will be happy that the infidels are at least not trying to convert anyone, pretending to be Muslims & not disturbing them. I don’t think that all leaders of Muslims are concerned, if you are really a good Muslim or if you go to Hell. Their tunnel-vision-mission is to convert you & not to ask questions about your sincerity. Anyone who is successful in meeting a deadline or a goal knows this is sometimes true. We push for quantity & let the quality decrease. As a non-Muslim in a radical theocracy you will have to make a choice. Unless you learn to respect, believe & submit to their religion, deity, prophet & believe it is truth, then it would be better to let the Muslims chop off your head. If you convert & go back to your old religion you must also be stoned to death in some versions of Islam. To live a foreign life that you think is false & a lie, for example under Sharia Law or any dictatorship other than God’s is a sort of Humanism & idolatry.

Life is too short to live in fear, hypocrisy & deceit. If you convert to marry someone, but you or both of you don’t really believe in religion & God then you both might go to Hell-unless you are born again spiritually before you die. You have been worshiping the god of lust. If you convert to become a 1st class citizen, then you might go to Hell for worshiping the god of power, unless you are born again spiritually before you die. If you convert to save the life of your family, then you might go to Hell for worshiping the god of mankind/humanism & not putting God first, unless you are born again spiritually before you die. If you convert to Islam or any religion, because the boss is that religion then you go to Hell for worshiping the god of money/riches. Do you understand my point? Religion, conscience & truth are serious issues. If you want to go to Paradise then you must be willing to seek the complete truth & follow it until death takes you.


There was no freedom to reveal flaws & bad traits in old fashioned families, in the 1950’& 60’s in America. So we children & the wives had to live in silent suffering, lies & anger. Now the world has changed & an alcoholic father might be confronted by a psychologist with family & friends present, it’s called an “intervention”. Either he can change or they will leave him. Women & children were often oppressed unless they could stand up to the bully father. In some countries there is still no freedom or justice for women, children & for men of the wrong race, color or religion. That is a shame, because we must search out the truth if we are to freely make a choice for or against God. John 8:31-32. Now Muslims are reintroducing Sharia Law, where they have a clear majority, as if it will solve all their problems. Our system of males dominating the family brought injustice to many families , but now there are some legal protections for women & children. Why not stick with American & European justice until we find something better than a Muslim theocracy? Some Sharia laws systems & some theocracies are better than others, but for non-Muslims, who can’t vacation or escape once in a while to Europe or America, it is a burden.


If we met the thief on the cross & left before he defended Jesus, we would have assumed that he was going to Hell. After we heard his confession where he admitted that he deserved to die for his sins, but Jesus was an innocent man we would have thought, “It’s too late to change now you’re still going to perdition (Hell). We would be astonished when he asked Jesus, who was dying besides him, to remember him when he claimed his Kingdom.

Everything looked like Jesus was a sinner. Jesus claimed that God had a son & it was him. He had been illegally convicted by the Jews & the Romans, but a conviction is a conviction so he must have done something bad. Jesus said that he & the Father (God) were one & the same person. The Old Testament said that anyone who dies on a tree is cursed by God. No one in his or her right mind would say that the eternal God could die or be seen in the flesh. But that was what Jesus taught & lived. The good thief on the cross knew all the controversy that Jesus was causing, but also how many people he healed, fed, freed from demon possession & how he raised children, women & men from the dead. That’s why people admired Jesus; he loved people more than religion. Rules were meant to bring us closer to God, not to make us feel badly about ourselves.

The religious leaders loved to be praised & sought power, but Jesus was humble & meek, like Moses. One thief was bitter & mocked Jesus, but the other passed the test that God gave him. He screwed up his courage opening himself up for abuse & mockery. He looked beyond outward appearances of the present moment. This man was a king, all evidence to the contrary. He would have faith, loyalty & belief in Jesus. He valued a holy life more than a compromised religious life. Some people use religion to make a living, but don’t even believe in what they are preaching. He remembered Jesus’ miracles to lepers, Romans & Samaritans. He remembered how Jesus criticized the elite religious leaders who crushed the poor into further poverty & refused to let them believe in Jesus. He heard of him, this honest man that never lied, wouldn’t abuse the women & children and never looked for power or glory. His only crimes were preaching that the Kingdom of God had arrived on earth, saying the Temple would soon be destroyed & he was a savior that could not & would not save Israel this visit. He also said it was acceptable to heal on the Sabbath & that he was the son of God. Aren’t you happy that hospitals will care for you on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday & maybe even perform an emergency operation on that day? That’s because Jesus healed on Saturdays & said he was the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus said he was the savior of all mankind & he was. He knew that the real God would honor a pure heart more than a rich man, a religious fighter (zealot) or a successful person. This shows us that we never know who will be saved by Jesus, because he will accept a sincere confession, even when they have nothing to offer him in return. He will still rescue anyone if their hearts are one with His. Even in a dying confession & plea for salvation they can be snatched out of Hell’s mouth.

The wooden plaque on Jesus’ cross said, “Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews”. Here was the king dying, not able to save himself & yet the repentant thief knew Jesus was the King of  Paradise. How did he know this? I think, everyone sensed they were in the presence of God, but they didn’t want a weak God. If God wouldn’t save himself, then he would expect us to die for him. They wanted a god that was superior to other gods. The Jewish leaders were focused on this life & how much they could get for themselves & their people. How much could they get from God? They wouldn’t accept a weak god who asked them to wait until the resurrection for the Kingdom of God. They had a kingdom now & God should cooperate with them & do His part as they were keeping up their end of the bargain. The thief had no power, no prestige & no respect from his family or community. Why should he spend his last minutes on earth trying to fit in with the very people who were there to watch him die? If there is a time to speak the truth it is when you are old or dying or fed up with people that will use you & reward you only when you serve them & their interests.

If these stories about Jesus are myths or corruptions the true disciples would have attacked & burned these Gospels stories, but they didn’t. There would have been a record of dissent of the Jewish followers of Jesus forbidding these books contained in our modern Bibles. There is no such record.


The conversation between pagans about their gods might go like this: 

“Our god protects us at sea better than yours. Our god protects our harvest from drought & pests. Our god gives our women plenty of babies & more sons. Our god kills our enemies & never wants us to surrender, submit or be killed by our enemies. Our god lets us have sex in the temple. Our god let’s us sacrifice our children’s blood & in return he blesses us & removes our curses. Our god let’s us get drunk & high on drugs & then he or she visits us in visions. Our god let’s us cut ourselves & walk on burning coals & we don’t die. Our god let’s us do whatever we want as long as we make worship & sacrifice to him/her. Some gods are better than ours in certain areas like:  romance, making money, being a good warrior, etc., so we can have many gods, because our god is not jealous.”

Those things may be true about their gods, demons or angels, but I want to know, who is the god who created me, keeps me alive & will see & speak to me after I die? What is the truth, whether I like it or not? Who is not lying to me & will really save me from Hell? Am I believing what I wish were the truth & deceiving myself? Am I worshiping a false god or a demon disguised as god? Can God save me from the lies & illusions of the Devil? Of course God can save you or me, but we must really learn to love God & want to be with Him in Paradise. The Devil can give me ten sons, ten wives, money, fame & success, but then he wants his pound of flesh. He wants to hurt my body & keep my soul away from God. Since I believe in God & Heaven I want to be there, even if I have to discipline & segregate myself from sinful activities. It’s not easy sometimes, but the Devils’ way is crueler, more hateful & always deceitful. God tells you the hard facts & let’s you chose life or death.


Can God be three persons, three personalities & different names, but only be one God, with one personality & be called the Trinity of One God? Why not? All things are possible in an infinite universe created by an eternal God.

Can Christianity be closer to the truth about God than Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Humanism, Communism, Spiritualism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Bahia, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Satanism, etc.? A billion people believe so.

If Jesus or YWHW came down form Heaven to give us a new testament or a new covenant so, that the majority of people, the Gentiles (all non-Jews) & the Jews could avoid Hell fire & punishment, we better take him at his word. We don’t want to dismiss someone making these grandiose claims without doing some serious research, praying & soul searching.

The crucifixion of the son of man or God’s only son is historical, history that has been verified many times. There may be some missing events in Biblical archeology, but I have faith they will be found. Look at the marvelous historical archeological record that verifies Jewish history & Jewish Christian history, it’s amazing. What about you? Is Jesus calling you? Then try him & prove him true or false, but try him. Find him. He wants to be found.

I think several paths can lead to the true God:

1.     Seeking & following the truth even if it goes against your cause, people or nation

2.     Seeking God even if His ways are foreign to your cause, people or nation.

3.     Not bowing down to any lie, uncertainty or power that denies truth, love or God.

4.     Seeking God’s love & putting human love last or rejecting it if it competes with God’s.

5.     Abandon lesser truth when a greater truth appears.

6.     Challenge the idea that God is completely unknowable.

7.     Challenge the idea that we can’t know God.

8.     Challenge the idea that God has left us alone as orphans.

9.     Challenge the idea that God is always invisible, silent & unloving towards his children.

10.                        Refute the idea that you will remain an infant in your knowledge of God.




John L. D., 8/3/11



Don’t argue with a Muslim. They set up the rules of the game & you can’t win. They are as tough as Jehovah Witnesses times 4.

a.      If you use the Bible they’ll say it is corrupted.

b.      If you say you read something in the English Koran (Qur’ran) they will say it is not accurate, only the Arabic Qur’an is accurate.

c.       Islam can not criticize any religion (Sura 5) but they say only Islam has the full truth, not your religion.

d.      The Qur’an says the Bible is from God, but it is corrupted.

e.      They say Jesus was a prophet, but he wasn’t crucified, despite history.

f.        They say foreigners pay an extra tax, but they aren’t second class citizens.

g.      They say the extra tax is to pay for the Muslim Army. Muslim citizens of Europe or America wouldn’t tolerate paying such a tax, so they know asking foreigners & citizens (who are not Muslims) is an insult, harassment & plain wrong.

h.      They say women are protected by Islam, but women are sometimes beaten, raped, divorced. When a crime is committed she has to have 2 or 3 female to one male witness in court. Once she is raped her husband or family won’t want her around, that is abandonment & not protection.

i.        They say women are protected by Islam, but they are sometimes denied an education, driving privileges, freedom, confidence that they are as good as men, & they can’t walk by themselves, etc.

j.        They say foreigners love living under Sharia law, because a few of them wrote letters saying so. Yet, they themselves don’t like Saudi Sharia law or Shiite or Sunni, etc.

k.       They say every word in the Qur’an is perfect & were never changed, written by God through an angel through Mohammed’s scribes. But how do they know, neither Mohammed nor his scribes placed the words in a book? His followers later collected stories, scraps of stories or verses & eventually put them into one book. Shakespeare & the Declaration of Independence haven’t been changed so are they also divine? I don’t think you can say that God has protected the exact words, when you don’t have the original complete notes of the scribes as credible evidence.

l.        They say the science in the Bible is sometimes false, but never false in the Qur’an, but science is young & science can’t prove God or a religion. They say that Mohammed said the earth was shaped like an ostrich egg, but, the earth is a sphere with an imperceptible bulge at the equator. They say that salt water & fresh cannot mix, but we call the meeting of a fresh water river & the ocean or bay-“brackish water”. The ancient Greeks were right about a lot of science, but should we worship their gods?

m.    They say Islam is logical & makes sense, but human wisdom, logic & knowledge can’t get you to Heaven only the Judgment of God with Jesus as our lawyer (advocate).

n.      They think Islam is the fulfillment of all religion & Mohammed is the last prophet. Moses our prophet said someone from his brethren (the Jews) would act like him & speak words from God. Jesus was Jewish & spoke what God instructed him to. He also did miracles, claimed to do them & said they were proof he was from God. Deuteronomy 18:15-19, 17:15 (brethren =Jews); Acts 3:17-26, John 5:45-46 (Moses wrote of Jesus), John 7:33, 10:33-38 (gods); Exodus 7:9.




1)      Islam is a religion of works: prayers, washing, alms, fasting, evangelism, war, & peace if they have conquered you or you are too strong for them. It is the same as any other religion. It improves your life, but it can’t take you to Heaven only Jesus can.

2)      Christianity has the body & blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ & that alone takes you to Heaven, not a teaching, a religion, religious diet, worship, songs, prayers or a prophet, but the Savior.

3)      Only God can forgive sins & Jesus forgave sins on earth. I could never be good enough to tip the scales at 51% good deeds, but Jesus tipped them at 100% good & he says he will apply his holiness to me & to you.

4)      Jesus said he was equal to God the Father & he was the only Son.

5)      To say that Jesus is only a prophet is to condemn Christianity (Surah 5) as an ordinary religion that is worthless for the salvation of sinners. It is the greatest insult & harm to Christians the New Testament Bible & humanity to deny them the only Savior Jesus Christ.

6)      Not doing bad things like:  worshiping idols, drinking, blasphemy, murder (Moses) or believing in multiple gods doesn’t condemn you to Hell. Not believing in Jesus does, because he alone was perfect enough to earn his way into Paradise by his holiness.

7)      St. Paul, who saw Jesus in the sky, said if anyone preaches another Gospel…even an angel from Heaven, reject them they are accursed. Galatians 1:7-9 & 2Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15. Jesus Christ should be preached only by Christians.

8)      If you reject Jesus as Savior or reject the Father & Son as God you are an antichrist & liar. 1John2:22. That’s not an insult it’s what Jesus told us to say.



i)        Bad & false Protestant Christians, Mary worshiping & bad Catholics, liberals, existentialists, humanists & orthodox Jews

ii)      Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons & other offshoot cults from Christianity

iii)    Muslims, Sufi's, Shiites, Sunnis, fanatics, terrorists

iv)    Hindus, Jain

v)      Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoists

vi)    Gandhi followers

vii)  New Age pagans with distortions of Jesus’ teachings

viii) Agnostics & Atheists

ix)    Nature worshipers, pagans

All these people, everyone, is lost & will they burn in Hell forever, unless they repent & change their minds about Jesus & sinning.

Exceptions might be:  Aborted fetuses, infants, children, retarded, mentally ill, etc.?

If you or I say that good people in any religion or philosophy or even agnostics & atheists can be saved we are contradicting Jesus. Are we trying to be loved by everyone by telling them lies & putting their lives in danger of hell?

If I proclaim that liberals, agnostics, pagans, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, luke-warm Christians are going to hell (included in this list are family, acquaintances & friends) then they'll say I'm arrogant for believing, without proof, & that I'll be saved & they'll be lost.

i)        How do I know that I'm not deceiving myself, like Judas Iscariot was? How do I know what they believe in their hearts?

ii)      How do I know if they'll accept Christ at in the last days before their death? Maybe my God is too small & not merciful as the real God is. The Bible uses hyperbole doesn't it?

Assuming Jesus is the only way, I accept that & I act on it, then I'm going to approach people with a sadness, anger or urgency to tell them about Jesus.
a) "Jesus is the only way to heaven. You must admit you're a sinner & God is holy. Give up your will for His."
b) I'll avoid a lot of doctrinal arguments by cutting to the chase: Jesus is the only way, only truth & the only way to everlasting life!!
c) By beating around the bush & saying God will understand you, I'm helping them to hang on to their delusion & disobeying Jesus. I better stop. Am I being arrogant?
d) If you are a Muslim convert the price can be very high. You might lose your family, you job, your status in the community & your life. Jesus said you must hate (reject) anyone or anything that stops you from following him.

The End



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