My Religious Questions & Views



Revised, 11/12/11, by author John L. Decossaux



Mandatory celibacy for all bishops, priests & nuns, before their priestly or religious (Nuns) consecration (With a few minor exceptions) is not Biblical, it’s a late tradition.


Sunday was made the obligatory Sabbath or Lord’s Day. The First Day Of the Week:  Sunday was for the collection for the poor and that is Biblical. But, it was not yet a formal memorial or holiday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Okay, early historical documents say it was. But, no one was told they had to go to church on Sunday or it was a mortal sin or they would lose their salvation. It was not a test of faith unless you were trying to keep all the Old Covenant laws, because you were resisting the New Covenant of Jesus. His birth, death, resurrection, ascension into Heaven, faith, trust & belief in Him. Salvation in Jesus replaced the Temple sacrifices & keeping the Law of Moses as a way to Paradise.

The exclusion of Saturday (Sabbath & Monday-Friday) as a day that fulfilled the Lord's Day (Sunday) requirement of the Roman Catholic Church did not happen until a few hundred years after Jesus arose.The denial of Scripture that says all days are equally holy days (Romans 14:5-6) shows that all three major Christian branches are not reading the Bible carefully. Eventually the Saturday sabbath was rejected as the sabbath, perhaps to separate themselves fully from the Jewish Religion, due to harassment & persecution by the holiest of the Jews. The official use of Sunday tradition started during or after the reign of Emperor
Constantine in the fourth Century A.D.     

Why then, do most Christians worship on Sunday?

See: My web page in this site:  "The-Bible-And-What-Else", which quotes extra biblical literature from the 1st & early 2nd Century showing that Sunday was the new Sabbath & Saturday Sabbath-keeping was equal to circumcision, which was abolished.


The Immaculate Conception teaching says, Jesus was conceived by Mary without Original Sin, because Mary was conceived without Original Sin. It makes sense, since the first Eve was created without Original Sin and Mary is the Second Eve, but it's not declared as doctrine in the Bible, but neither is the Trinity explained to us, but they are obvious once you think about it.


The R.C. Church says, Mary was translated into Heaven with her new immortal body and was crowned the Queen of the Universe (She probably was) and co-redemptorist with Christ, which was pronounced in the early 20th Century by Pope, following up on years of previous tradition.  

This seems to be the Church proclaiming theories as facts or changing facts in Heaven & the Bible from it's authority of the Church and Papacy. It might be true, but it seems arbitrary and brutish to force us to believe it without showing us a film or document from Heaven, since it's not in the Bible                                    (Except maybe, a big maybe, in the book of Revelation chapter 12).

The soldiers and mobs, originally sent to attach heretical Christians, from the Catholic Church of Rome felt that they had the right to punish or make war on Turkish Constantinople. Maybe they would help their brothers the Eastern Catholics, to free them from the unjust conquest of the Turks. But in the process the Eastern Orthodox Catholics &  Jewish infidels were harassed, violated and murdered by the large angry mob of criminals, civilians and a few professional soldiers. Catholics, Protestants, Europeans, Muslims, African tribal Slave Traders, Hindus, etc., and Jews have all abused their powers at times.  It is shameful to see our fellow human beings acting so cruelly and demonically.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23, KJV.

These actions of the past have now been condemned as violent, but also explained as necessary for the defense of their faith, churches, relics and their very lives. Any justifications and any good motives are tainted by the murdering of fellow innocent Catholic or Protestant Christians and Jews who had no kingdom or army of their own.

So my dualism says there is a Good Tradition and a Bad Tradition. Jesus warned us about the "traditions of man". Jesus actions resulted in Good Traditions, the History of any Churches contain some Bad Traditions and they will be purged at the New Pentecost.

The bishops seemed to have had the right to cover-up and forgive the sins of the priests and nuns, in the 1960s & 70's without ever exposing them and making them repent to the Church or in public. This was Bad Tradition, bad judgment and evil complicity. St. Peter publicly denied Jesus three times and it was dutifully recorded in the Gospels and not hidden. St. Peter was asked in front of the disciples if he loved Jesus three times and he was told, "then feed my sheep" and it was recorded. This should have been covered up, because it would make the first "Pope" or head Apostle look weak and sinful and who wants to follow a leader like that? But God's ways are not our ways and the Bible always reveals the good and the evil & that's called Truth. It's time for the truth to be judged by the Bible first and the Good Traditions second, based on God's commands and love, unless the 1st & 2nd Century good traditions are historical records of the first Christian Church.

Some Protestants & others allow for multiple marriages/divorces, multiple marriages for Pastors (Who are not widowed), contraception, abortion, sex before marriage and homosexual relationships. All of these can be Biblically dismissed as sinful because these activities all involve LUST and that's always a sin, even in marriage (see the Bible). Once you marry Christ and work for the church you can't keep getting divorced and remarried and that's recorded in the New Testament. Matthew 5:31-32, 19:3-12; 1Corinthians 7:1-17, 27-40; Ephesians 5:22-33; 1Timothy 3:2-4, 11-13, 5:14; Titus 1:6; 1 Peter 3:7.                             

God is the author of life & death and we shouldn't play God or think our worship or our opinions are superior to Gods' revealed laws and love.

To create a God who teaches what we want to believe is idolatry, creating a false God in your wicked minds.

If you want the official teachings of any Church and not my opinion go to their approved websites, buy approved books and study the Catechism, Commentaries & Creeds. I trust some theologians interpretation of:  the Bible and Christianity more than my own opinion, most of the time, but not all. I have no authority, except the authority of the Bible, but I'm not sure that I always understand it correctly or that you should believe in me so draw you own conclusions.


            We all have a right to common sense and our conscience, within the Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant churches. But that doesn’t mean we are to wise think our opinion is worth as much as the expertise of a Church. Most of our opinions have been formed by the interpretation of Bible scholars & ministers who may not be that expert. To follow a lay person or even a schismatic professional apologist or a theologian’s personal opinion can often result from our rebellion, gullibility and ignorance. I’m just using common sense objections that may or may not prove to be accurate and true by the Universal Christian Church, which is Christs' body.  I have an opinion that’s not worth very much in the long run & it often changes as I learn.

If you have some of these complaints against your own religion, then study their rebuttals and history and see who is closer to the truth. It's unholy to believe gossip without letting a person/institution defend or explain themselves and without having an open mind.




Domination, secrecy and putting the Bible second or last,

Forgiving priests/ministers/religious employees who violated Jesus' children & teens and promoting or transferring them, covering up and protecting them from the civil authorities,

Fear of letting the laity read/interpret the Bible, but quoting it to justify the Church Tradition/doctrines,

Unsound doctrine that allows the creation of Liberal:  theologians, functionaries, priests, nuns and bishops, ministers, evangelists, apologists & professors that deny that Jesus is the sole Savior from sin, the only way to Heaven and the only Redeemer of the world.

Relaxed morality, modesty & doctrines.

Trying to blend in  with sinners and not stand for holiness or justice.

Relativistic  philosophy that can't judge anyone or anything  except the those they hate.

Unjust wars.

Multiple marriages & divorces.

Abandonment and murder of children.

Pleasure and money becoming more important goals in life than, serving God.

Emotionalism & self-esteem feeling becoming our religious experience.

Defending our church/self as if we are above the laws we have proclaimed.

The fruits of pagan, gnostic, & politically correct theology are:  the spirit of the Anti-Christ.

I see my job as to be a mini, minor, non-authorized prophet condemning the sins of my church and leaders & congregations, to also be a child of God calling sinners in love and truth to Jesus and someone who needs a church & catechism as well as the Bible.

Sometimes I attack my church, your church, myself, & you, but then I realize I would have done worse, in some, if I was in charge of religion on earth. Jesus values our faith and obedience when it is stronger than our doubts. The disciples stuck with Jesus, even though they didn't understand his strange ways. That's us, we don't understand God's strange ways, but we dare not become a betraying Judas. We love Jesus too much for that.

I hope I've helped more people than I offended.

Am I an apologist? No, but I’m always apologizing.

Jld, 5/19/10, Revised: 5/28/10, 6/19/10, 11/12/11[I'm a Universal Christian in Jesus now]


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