My Religious Questions & Views

Contact Us

Email me, but don't expect an answer, at:

           I usually check my web-sites every two weeks.

I accept no hostile, demeaning or bullying emails. If you think something I say is evil, hateful or inciting violence, calm down and find examples that actually make sense to someone outside of your fan club.

It's harder than you think to hate someone when you look at life from their point of view and admit that everyone is entitled to be wrong, right and have an opinion.

If I upset someone, it was not my intention, I will apologize and make corrections in my text, if it was against my beliefs. Remember we can agree to disagree with maturity and reason.

If you are murderously or suicidally angry call an emergency number and get help for yourself. Say to yourself,
"Tomorrow, I will feel calm and happy. What if I die tomorrow, would I really care about someone else' opinions, especially someone who is not an expert and just trying to express his feelings & insights?"

If you believe you have a right to your opinion I expect you to believe that I have all the same rights you have.

I ask you to use fair logic and arguments that apply to you in the same way they apply to me. For instance, "You're a fascist, because you criticize I'm also a fascist for criticizing him."

"Those who disagree with me, my cause or my organization are guilty of "hate speech" and should be fined & jailed, but since I disagree with you I am also guilty of "hate speech" and should also be jailed."

"I don't know how to answer you so, you're a terrible person and lazy and evil"  That's called an ad hominem attack or attacking a person instead of his/her idea. It is childish, cruel and it reveals you haven't done your homework.

If you think its terrible to mock others and yet you mock others with the excuse, 
"Yes, I was cruel but they deserved it." Then you are an ideologue or you are not making yourself accountable to the morals you profess. You may be a hypocrite, but we all are sometimes and we can & do grow into just & reasonable people, if we try.

If you can't communicate with someone effectively you will just make matters worse. So I try to salt my speech with this underlying idea,

"I love to tell you that God loves you and HE wants you to love (charity, patience, truth...) and be obedient to Him. He doesn't judge you, He says, "Come as you are, today".

After death, He will judge us.

If you don't like rosaries, 

just recount the Gospel from

the angel telling Mary she

would have a son

to Jesus rising in the air

and entering Heaven

as ourHigh Priest. 

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